When I went out on a limb with "By peak travel time this summer, Baltia should be well past the one RT per week schedule." - I meant when they reach 3 RT's per week (not 5 per week), which would meet the needs of business travelers who may need a short turn around.
Let's hope the FAA doesn't cut off my limb with a lot more delays. But, I don't think they will. Nobody is telling me what the FAA is telling Baltia, but I just keep seeing a lot of subtle signs that something big is coming soon. I see a lot more smiles around their offices when I visit there, which says something, unless they're all drinking happy juice. Other signs too. But I think Baltia management is very reluctant to make any predictive announcements, because they've gotten burned before when they've tried to predict just when the FAA was going to do something. I think they are now very wisely of a mind to just wait until the manuals approval is actually in hand before they say anything.