oh mr march,
we come two months later to what? may, perhaps, if the stars stay in place, and our rock circumnavigates like magellan, the ball of fire. he however, he is trivial, and to his sadness, still to be forgotten. i, albeit much less memorable, to the contrary am still here navigating, every incision, painfully deep. this brings us closer to our age, for years pass, but knowledge doesn't. if only what those years held in knowledge had not passed, we would be the gods and not vice versa.
on a lighter note, my bearing in weight cannot be hidden. if i was a suitcase, a fee would be attached during travels. thankfully, i am even less than a vessel for material belongings. i am a vessel traveling on borrowed carbon; as useless as my usefulness will allow me to be.
there is the chance, the los t angels will visit me, and perhaps i will see, when finally they sear my eyes out shut. perhaps then we shall rejoice, for there is more happiness in suffering than in hollow glee.
that sir is my message for the day. fare thee well and in prosperity immerse.
ps: i wonder if the alpine oxygen frivolousness will work out..?