Presidio advances NS5A inhibitor to phase-1b and discloses non-nuke program: Patient screening for the Phase 1b evaluation of PPI-668 in hepatitis C patients has begun in New Zealand and the United States and will soon include Australia. Dosing of the first cohort of hepatitis C patients will begin this week. Presidio expects to have results regarding the antiviral efficacy of PPI-668 in HCV patients in the second quarter of 2012. In a second HCV research program focused on inhibitors of the HCV NS5B polymerase, Presidio has discovered a lead chemical series of non-nucleosidic NS5B inhibitors with potent activity against all major HCV genotypes. Preclinical profiling is ongoing with a goal of nominating a candidate for clinical development in the coming months. With its novel NS5A and NS5B inhibitors, Presidio’s objective is to provide two complementary HCV antivirals that will be appropriate for broad use in optimized future combination therapies for patients with HCV infection.