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Alias Born 04/05/2009

Re: rentierparasite post# 324

Friday, 12/30/2011 1:51:21 PM

Friday, December 30, 2011 1:51:21 PM

Post# of 359
My question: When will TLSRP actually pay?

I have been following it since 2005.

Par value plus accrued, unpaid dividends at 9/30/11 was $107.7 million or $33.80 per share. Telos total assets were $100.9 million. Liabilities totaled $204 million. The company has been ripe for a change in control transaction (exchange offer) for years. I know Costa Brava Partnership III L.P. and others have worked together to try to affect change.

EOSPN would be much easier to liquidate.

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