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Alias Born 11/30/2010

Re: Pockets post# 36181

Friday, 12/30/2011 11:07:38 AM

Friday, December 30, 2011 11:07:38 AM

Post# of 54312
So you regularly call companies and just talk to the CEO when your investment is not panning out like you had hoped??? Give me a break man....NO company advertises a public number so that investors have a way to bitch about not getting rich....I owned stock in a gold company that I called just to see if it would go through and guess what, it didn't! I was down on my investment but trusted the PR's and eventually it paid off and I more than tripled my money, it's not that uncommon....

Nobody cares that you would like to see transparency, we all would and will in due time. People care what you say because you have continually stated that stocks ARE affected by message boards yet you continue to devalue yours and my investment on a daily if not hourly basis and it's just getting old. If you don't want to buy more stock until you get something from the company that is fine and understandable but to degrade the company with no more information than what others who talk well of it is just illogical. To be honest, I am not a buyer right now as I feel I have enough money tied up so I am just sitting back and waiting with a positive attitude.

A wise man once told me "I don't know if having a positive attitude all of the time really makes things better but I know having a negative one all of the time makes things worse."