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Alias Born 01/27/2004

Re: Stoquer1 post# 1358

Thursday, 12/29/2011 8:28:04 PM

Thursday, December 29, 2011 8:28:04 PM

Post# of 22381
Anyone get this: "Continuing Coverage on VRNI"
Could We see .15 cents?

(I've been getting multiple emails from this guy since yesterday. He thinks TODAY was AMAZING???) LOL

VRNI had an amazing day today finishing the day very strong closing up 10.5% on heavy volume of almost 2.6 million shares traded!

VRNI opened at .095 and traded picture perfect all day long. We seen large buys going off at the .11 cent range late in the day.

Technically VRNI could continue to break out to higher levels. rates VRNI a "Strong Buy"

I'm very excited about VRNI and continuing coverage with an HIGH ALERT status...

For those who may have thought they missed VRNI, you didn't!

For those who maybe new to my newsletter and wanted to "watch" my performance, I suggest you quickly RESEARCH (VRNI) before it is to late...


One of the most important variables is found below:

I am one of the VERY FIRST news letters to be fortunate to cover (VRNI)

....This potentially means You Too, are one of the very first to be able to FULLY research VRNI, but you must Act Fast!

Symbol: VRNI
Price: .10 - .11

About Virogen, Inc.

Virogen, Inc. is a technology holding company. The company's wholly owned subsidiary, Tiger Team Technologies "T3," has developed a very unique suite of copyrighted tools to address the network and database security needs of enterprise level companies and corporations.


As always do your own research on all profiles that I give. Penny stocks are risky, like most speculative investments. Always view the company websites and base your own opinion.

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