They will show up when they are ready to distribute the dividend. Expecting CASH! --SevenTenEleven
They MAY show up IF they are to distribute the dividend.
Let's start with what FFGO said that has been true. They sold a gold mine. They went dormant. They did help create an NMGL A&B share.
Now let's look at the lies. We have press release after press release or newswire after newswire of knowingly lying before the FAQ's and "new game plan" were released. We are still left with FFGO receiving compensation in the form of NMGL A&B's and not including FFGO shareholders. FFGO waited until AFTER the sale of the gold mine to tell us the truth. Having the irrevocable consent of all minority shareholders had to have been a lie, otherwise, after 16 months we would have filings showing 100% ownership of the mines.
With all the "truth and lies" I don't see how anyone can confidently say anything will happen in a certain way.
I have to operate on what are the facts. Again the facts are that:
FFGO and NMGL are both "locked in" and "liable." FFGO should have released the dividend immediately following the sale of the gold mine. FFGO received compensation for the mines without including FFGO shareholders. NMGL filed NMGL A&B's for FFGO's share of the mines. NMGL was supposed to have the irrevocable consent of all minority shareholders and file for ownership of 100% of the mines. NMGL has only filed for FFGO's less than half ownership of the mines.
Perhaps, NMGL or FFGO will step up to their commitments despite the lies and facts so far. I surely cannot say that anything is certain. I cannot say that FFGO is a scam and I cannot say that FFGO is 100% truthful, honest, transparent and a dividend WILL happen.
All that I can try to do 100% is act upon the facts as they are presently. Presently, many FFGO facts are illegal. An immediate cash dividend was promised and not delivered. Compensation that was promised to shareholders was given solely to FFGO and WD.
I am going after the illegal actions of FFGO and naked (illegal) and legal shorting with equal vigor.