well posturing prior to what? its all posturing, no matter who is involved.
the sad thing is that if all of this is because of kyle's "integrety" that drago is not going to destroy the company i still don't know what that will mean
some will say it does not matter what it means, that arguement can be made by both sides
others will say it does matter, again an arguement made by both sides
i have no arguement other than there is bogosity but now at this point i'm willing to say that im uncertain where that will take shareholders, i'm at a loss, of the people that i'm willing to listen to, i have you dsu and highrider, and its unclear to me that i can assign either to one hand or the other for the purposes of comparison.
like others i'd like to see the bastard become a king, the question is will it matter that he was a basterd, will it matter that he was an SOB.
its messed up, at this point no one knows but drago as friggn always, and man am i sick of this crap, i wish nlighn, bennitto, and bilcoln would return to give us some guidance