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Alias Born 08/26/2011

Re: Bowser619 post# 9174

Thursday, 12/22/2011 4:34:21 PM

Thursday, December 22, 2011 4:34:21 PM

Post# of 28705
The birds aren’t singing anymore so I have to make my own Prognosis here. I feel it is not a matter of if it will take off it’s a matter of when IMHO. I have been waiting to long to jump off a potential bullet train. I have average down my price to $1.60 almost $250k, I’ve invested pretty much all my life savings call it stupid or simply ballsy. I know I’m not suppose to put all my eggs in one basket but sometimes in life we need to take those educated chances if we want to get anywhere. The way I see it is I will not see to many start ups like this in my life time, BORK is presenting an opportunity for me that comes with possible high rewards and yes also high risk.

So I ask myself some of the following questions, is the technology unique/real? Where can this application be applied? Is the risk worth the rewards? Are the odds in my favor? The most important question can these applications, if managed properly produce significant amount of revenue? I guess I must have answered yes to all of them. I feel you either believe or you don’t someone a while back put it this way “its like faith” but I feel its a little bit better. I feel I have the faith but I also have an actual product that I can see. Here we have three choices 1. Get on the train and enjoy the bumpy ride while they try to put a new bullet engine in it 2. Sit back and wait till the train leaves and try to jump on it while it’s moving 3. Simply don’t get on the train.

Stay long my friend.