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Alias Born 08/09/2011

Re: None

Sunday, 12/04/2011 2:50:27 AM

Sunday, December 04, 2011 2:50:27 AM

Post# of 141873
Medical cannabis is a viable treatment for such diseases as AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions according to many sources."We have been researching this new product, our electronic cigarettes with THC for quite a while...Smokeless – the new e-Cig with THC will allow the patient to consume the product without all of the harmful effects and carcinogens associated with actual smoke... the new THC e-Cig will be marketed to physicians and medical cannabis dispensaries as a reliable alternative for medical cannabis patients..."

Like I said before RFMK will make us a lot of money. If SFI* went to .08 this will take us much higher. Just think of bio-pharma companies... LONG AND STRONG GO RFMK!!!
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