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Alias Born 05/06/2009

Re: GREGG THE GREEK post# 342

Saturday, 12/03/2011 5:38:56 AM

Saturday, December 03, 2011 5:38:56 AM

Post# of 378
Someone has been trading GRHU Gregg. I actually got on the bid for the first time in a while. If the merge is going to be done, it may take a month or so to do.

PIMO doesn't trade much. A few thousand here and there, must be held tight.

Whoever brought the price down for GRHU, look like they knew what they were doing.

I am biding around .05 to .07

Have a great weekend!!

My new labrador retriever is named DNAD. She is in her growing stages - My posts are my personal opinions and not recommendations to buy or sell securities. You are responsible for your own investment decisions.

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