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Tuesday, 11/22/2011 11:23:27 AM

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 11:23:27 AM

Post# of 541
Years later and blowhard Treffy still rambles......

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Karen Ferguson Weber
Re: cmkm/cmkx gossip, etc 11/17/11
« Reply #1 Today at 4:29pm » [Quote]
(Bob here is BHollenegg)

Thanks bikinipro

Today at 3:18pm, dicek18 wrote: 8-)
Bob, I'd like to get a clarification if possible.

When you wrote:

I cannot explain what is going on, but I will say from my understanding the payout is happening.

1. Did you mean that the payout is happening as in now, as in this week, or soon?

2. Or was the term meant in this way: As we have believed all along, the payout is happening.

Thanks a lot!

By: portrush 8-)

I spoke with Bob for a couple hours yesterday. He would be referring to #2.

There is much talk going on about things in process--and some of the changes are visible, such as the Board changes with the company. While unexplained, it seems to suggest there is activity.

FWIW, as Bob and I discussed at length..."whatever and whenever" simply aren't things that will be told prior, nor likely "figured out." If this is as big, as complex, as life-changing, policy-changing, country-changing, diaper-changing as we've heard for quite some time...then it will likely remain quiet until the day it happens.

Just the opinion of a couple buds...fwiw.

Like · · Unfollow Post · November 17 at 6:49pm
•Donald Peltier likes this.

Allan Treffry I gave up on getting accurate info from Bob a long time ago. I do not know why people persist in even listening. Between he and the rest of the paid shovelers, I have seen more bs than I would see if I visited a cattle ranch. I do not know if this deal could have been pulled off any other way, but no matter, I am so fed up with being used and lied to, I cannot describe it. Irrespective if we are paid, it will take along time for me to not think of those people without cringing. // Sorry for the rant, but I am not used to lying to people in such a fashion nor have I been so tied at the hip for so long with people I know are lying to me with little chance of escape. At least if someone in the real world behaves in this fashion, I can get away from them. However, if a person wants to try and find out if there is any chance of CMKX payment from the internet, you cannot help but encounter the comments of at least one of the mouths in question. I wish they and the rest of the paid shovelers would just leave us alone. Add to this fact that I have placed so many people in this stock and see what the be does to them, the lies become even more unpleasant to deal with.November 17 at 10:45pm · Like · 1

Julian Garza Forget Bob we need to hear directly from Al no more B.S.
November 17 at 11:05pm via mobile · Like · 1

Larry Kessie so f they are paid shovelers, then who is paying them and why?
Friday at 4:32am · Like

Allan Treffry I believe that different people have different paymasters. Some may be on our side, others may not. Again, irrespective of who is who in the zoo, to deceive people amounts to a form of slavery. I love freedom and thus, I hate slavery. // "Know ye the truth and the truth shall set you free." From that wonderful Biblical passage, what does inverse logic dictate? Lie to people and you enslave them. // Was there any other way this deal could have been accomplished? Perhaps yes and perhaps no - of that position I cannot claim authority to decide. However, whether they are good guys are bad, the ongoing deceit - be it was necessary evil or not - has been very stressful on everyone and I am simply stating that I am more than tired of it (I am sure they are too). Because I do not know if the ongoing deception was a necessity evil or not, I will not hate or hold a grudge in any way. However, as said, I will likely cringe for years to come when I think of this scenario and the people involved. It will bring back distasteful memories of this most uncomfortable road of which we have been forced to travel.Friday at 11:18am · Like · 2

Julian Garza So Allen do you think we should forget about cmkx/dinar and move on with our lives?
Friday at 12:55pm via mobile · Like · 1

Susan Grundner If it helps your sanity then yes. If you are bonified, then you'll get your money regardless of what you do.
Friday at 1:16pm · Like · 2

Cindy Ferguson Davis ?Julian Garza What my son and I have finally done after years of misery is we have not given up on CMKX, but we have started living our lives as though it doesn't exist. The last few years we have spent thanksgiving through Christmas hanging on every word on the boards about any time and it made our holidays not so happy. Work would get slow and instead of trying to get more work my son would sit around hoping we would get paid any day. This year my son has concentrated on building his business up as if we never invested in CMKX. He has several good jobs lined up the next few weeks, so Christmas will be happier. I still keep an eye on the boards and my sister keeps me up to date, but I don't spend hours everyday searching for any little word of encouragement like I use to. I will never totally give up on CMKX, but I refuse to drive myself crazy over it anymore . I still get frustrated about all the delays, but it no longer sends me to bed depressed for days. I still get upset when I read the boards and see where some one is about to loose everything. I know what they are going through and it breaks my heart and I want to find the people who are delaying this and give them a good a** whoopin. We have lost everything a couple of times since this saga started, but now things seem to be looking okay. Still praying everday that today is the day.Friday at 3:39pm · Unlike · 9

Julian Garza Thanks Cindy!
Friday at 6:02pm via mobile · Like · 1

Johnny Nicoloro well said Cindy- thank you!
Friday at 8:47pm · Like · 1

Allan Treffry Those are good words of wisdom Cindy. For me personally, I wish I had followed that path a long time ago. I should have never trusted in this scenario and the people involved to the extent I did, but then again, perhaps I would have never invested in CMKX - a paradox for certain. // However, I trusted those persons claiming to be in a position of authority and knowledge in this deal, listening to people who swore to me that the players should be trusted by their own personal account and experience. To that end, I made a lot of poor decisions related to that trust and confidence, loaned sh a lot of money - in part - based upon payment in the "near future" or "next week" or "by the end of the month" or "guaranteed by December 31, 2009" or whatever else..., money I will likely never see again. I also made mistakes as to professional decisions, not taking cases when I should have because I did not want to leave clients "high and dry" by quitting in the middle of the case when we got paid "next week". If I were to be paid, I certainly did not want to continue with the law practice and business "as usual" as I would immediately need to move my family due to security concerns and be generally unavailable, again, for security reasons. I also helped fund a lawsuit based upon false information or a false scenario, never being even afforded the right to even see the evidence in the case. // Ultimately, who's fault is it? it is mine. I trusted people whose hearts I did not know and it cost me dearly. However; I am not alone in this financial devastation, indicating that this reaction to the hundreds of promises was not my reaction alone, but very much a reasonable one - a very predictable one - and thus, I believe that the promoters of misdirection bear responsibility. Certainly, with benefits comes burdens. In other words, if I am paid, they are worthy of the credit or even worthy of credit for trying, but with benefits of credit or praise come the natural burdens of the criticism by those who were harmed by their path of destruction along the way to achieving their goals. Am I criticizing them? Maybe some for now. // I have been an ear for too many people harmed by these deceptions and I have seen a great deal of the pain this deal has caused. It was not disclosed to them, it was foisted upon them and worse, through deception, meaning as a matter of law that there was no consent, and it has grown into a monster that has ruined lives. // At what point do we say it was not worth it, for is money worth the confinement of slavery through deceit? That will have to be determined by each person involved. For me personally, although I have gained invaluable knowledge and wisdom through this experience, the money was not worth the slavery. Perhaps my opinion will change AFTER we are paid, but I rather doubt it. Will we be paid? I am still hopeful as facts support that there could have been a sting and money was very possibly collected (however, naked shorting is still in practice), but as I know who really runs the show in this nation, I cannot state it will be distributed with any great degree of confidence. Just my personal opinion. // For those who do not believe I should speak my mind on these issues, I encourage you to consider where I get my inspiration from. Not only do I speak for those who lost so much and have been harmed by the mind games played upon us all - including myself - but I speak because of conscious for my participation in this scenario has been a piece in this puzzle which caused harm to so many. "Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause." Isaiah 1:17:Saturday at 2:35pm · Like · 1

Robert BHollenegg Alan Treffry...what you posted here in this thread is not only false but is the worst case of intentionally misleading the shareholders. It is unfortunate that you made these false accusations public. You made a public apology before for making false statements about me. You presented false information but no facts. The facts you did not present are... you were the attorney for the mafia, you leaked sensitive information and embellished it with false information when you were a plaintiff, you vehemently opposed keeping the Shareholders informed. You attempted several times to undermine Attorney Hodges and his team. The list goes on but does not need to be presented in this forum...and you wonder why you were not provided with pertinent information? Please for the Shareholders' sake, do not undermine the release of the funds.

BHollenegg7 hours ago · Like

Allan Treffry Bob, specifically what have I said that is false? It is clear as crystal that when I signed onto the lawsuit, you, Sheila and Reese had already made an undisclosed arrangement with AH long before. Salty, Reynolds, Dave and I were not made privy to that understanding. Hence, I was deceived into being a plaintiff and had I known the truth about this lawsuit, I would have NEVER signed on. // The lawsuit was not 100% legit, Tyler has been a farce, we have been lied to from day one about dates and times for over 8 years, and it persists today. After I complained, I was even offered money in advance as a loan from AH (as much as I wanted) as he was to be paid by MC ahead of time. Tell me, what is NOT to complain about? // To you, it does not matter much about the lawsuit, for you went on a free ride. I put in $10,000 - a lot of money for me at this time - and for what? To have our attorney refuse to show me evidence, refuse to control our own plaintiffs from speaking publicly and compromising all the sh claims (if the lawsuit was real, I had the right to DEMAND you, Reese and Sheila keep your mouths shut for you were compromising MY claims and others by speaking, not just yours), and then send Reese and the "Team Grapevine" moderators out on a personal attack campaign against me to discredit me, or have you forgotten the 100's of attacks on me in the GV and Reese repeatedly stating that I was "bi-polar", "a f**king liar", and "a sh*tty lawyer"? I am not talking about a lawsuit we lost, that is not my problem. It is the deception dealt to me throughout the process that I do not like. I did not get into this stock or lawsuit lying to people, and I did not expect to be lied to. I know that AH felt I was a good person to use and control others, but I was not offering that service, I was signing up to be told the truth. You see Bob, I am here now and there is nothing I can do about it. But I did not sign up for this deceit when I purchased the stock nor when I paid $10,000 to be a plaintiff. The reason why you have not spoken one word in objection to anything that has happened - not even raising one word in frustration (neither Sheila or Reese - funny, Salty, Dave, Nelson and I have repeatedly) - is that you are clearly an insider to some undisclosed arrangement with AH. I would have never signed up to be played as a pawn and lied to, never given away $10,000 - end of story. Being deceived into paying money is fraud Bob, in case you did not know. // I wrote you all 4 letters asking, then telling you all to keep your mouths zipped, AH even concurred (at least on paper), but you guys persisted. I even quit at least 3 times and AH asked me to stay in the lawsuit, promising me you people would be quiet. He also promised to show me evidence, which he never did (a stack of notes and letters is not the evidence behind this case). Had we gone to trial, and you 3 speaking on public boards would have damaged our credibility by making statements of fact that were impeachable, you could have EASILY ruined the chances for ALL the shareholders to collect, not just me. That is why attorneys tell their clients to NEVER talk publicly about their claims. // As far as my former apology to you, it was at a time that I thought you were someone completely different than you turned out to be. When you first showed up and spoke as much as you did, I immediately suspected you as a shill or provocateur. I believe I wrote this as a response to one poster who asked about you. When you confronted me on that post, we had just joined the lawsuit together (in the beginning of the lawsuit when I still trusted AH to tell me the truth) and AH vouched for you. Therefore, I thought at that particular time period that you may have been on the level and I apologized, as any decent person who thought he had made a mistake should do. However, time has revealed that AH also deceived me and that there is a new class of Accas and you are one of them - end of story. I did not like it when Acca misled us and I do not like it when you, Reese, Sheila and even AH do it. It is not what I signed on for, not what these people signed on for and it is not right as deceit is a form of slavery. Answer me Bob, is it unreasonable to want people to speak the truth when talking to you? It is unfair of me to want honor among men and especially among co-plaintiffs and their attorney, someone to whom a legal duty demands it? // When you respond, here is another question for you to answer. Either the lawsuit was real and you people were risking totally screwing up the case (and I have been justified in demanding you all be silent) or else the lawsuit was a fake and I was deceived into being a plaintiff (and in such a case, I am totally justified in complaining about being misled). It can only be one of the two Bob. You tell me which one it was.3 hours ago · Like

Allan Treffry As far as me being a "mafia lawyer", that is as much bullsh*t and misdirection as it gets. I represented eConnect and one of its officers - as you know. I did not know the character of the players in the company when I went to work for them, being an investor myself who clearly by investing, believed in the company. After working for them - doing legitimate work for about 3 years - I withdrew as their lawyer for personal reasons I am not permitted to discuss. What is morally or legally improper about that scenario? // Hey, since you brought it up, are you sure you really want to talk about mafia lawyers and mafia connections? I seem to remember Al Hodges being quite open about representing Johnny Roselli - a heavy hitter in the mafia - or IBM's personal friendship and direct dealings with the mafia heads like Traficante. Do I hold anything against these men for knowing mafia people and in some cases working with them? Absolutely not, unless they did illegal or immoral things as a result of their connections - the true test of a man's character, not who he may know or have worked with by circumstance. // I note you are trying to smear my name with some alleged mafia connection to eConnect and yet, you conveniently failed to mention AH's or IBM's mafia connections - giving them 100% support without question. Perhaps the real issue here Bob, is that you are trying to take up the slack where Reese got taken out at the knees and attack my character. Can I give you a word of advice? I made Reese look like an idiot when he tried, please do not force me to make you look like one too. Don't let your intel agency training of trying to destroy a person's character instead of addressing the real issues rule the day. Remember, lawyers are far better trained at it than you are.2 hours ago · Like

Linda Lane and the saga continues! Go CMKX ;) ?
2 hours ago · Like · 1

Allan Treffry Lastly Bob, when it comes to disclosing unauthorized information about the lawsuit, I do remember Reese, Sheila and yourself doing so on several occasions, to the point, AH was furious (allegedly) with each of you. A couple times Reese tried to point the finger at me, but when I did the research and found out it was really him or you or Sheila who leaked the information, AH apologized to me. Remember also Bob, I was not on Paltalk for the first 4-5 months of the lawsuit, keeping my mouth shut. It was only when I felt a moral duty to the sh to counteract the obvious lies that I first wrote several letters you all to ask your silence on the public boards and only thereafter, returned to Paltalk. / I do not know if you sit around on the phone with Reese and Sheila planning your next misdirection, laughing as Acca did when he forgot the microphone was still on, but irrespective, deceit is wrong, using people is wrong, misleading people is wrong, causing harm to people for an undisclosed intel operation that is far bigger than merely stinging a few banksters is wrong. Maybe with all the lofty goals involved here, some people have forgotten these golden rules.2 hours ago · Like

James Ozzie Osbourn why don't you guys take this to some other place?
2 hours ago via · Like

Allan Treffry Sorry James. I am trying to set the record straight.
2 hours ago · Like

Ace Parker keep it going. good reading.
11 minutes ago · Like · 1

Allan Treffry Here is a post script for you Bob. Please quit insulting mine and the other shareholders intelligence by trying to manipulate us with the "I am delaying the payment by complaining" crap. It is not only as old as dirt, but it is an outdated, worthless tool now-a-days. It may have worked for some in the Acca days, but needless to say, my concerns and or complaints have NOTHING to do with the sh getting paid and you know it.
4 minutes ago · Like

Allan Treffry By the way, you guys did the manipulation and scare tactic with ABADGOODGIRL to chase her away. She was way ahead of everyone's curve with knowledge and wisdom about this schtick. Well sorry, I am not going to be so compliant in accepting the role of being chased away

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