Yeah, but ye of little (I'm not sure what)... The point is that so what if PDGE goes wild??? Everyone else owns it and so they all benefit too. Owning PDGE doesn't separate oneself from the pack. My argument is that only X number of stocks are going to go wild. To the degree that you own one or more (BUT NOBODY ELSE DOES - relatively speaking), you will be much more likely to win.
I can guarantee the winner will not be someone that has the same stocks as everybody else. No way. The winner will be someone that has (almost certainly) 2 or more stocks that have common pickers of 3 or less. Mark that down.
The person that has the most similar stocks may well be in the upper 15%, but winning is another matter altogether.
Warren Buffet: 5 minutes and 17 seconds of pure, unadulterated, bulletproof, flawless logic.