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Re: banyon post# 110365

Thursday, 10/20/2011 8:51:46 AM

Thursday, October 20, 2011 8:51:46 AM

Post# of 111729
Well no you do not have to ask, because I know you very well know who the Promoter is. The only person that has the ability to speak on behalf of the company and the only person that has any contact with the BEHL shell and it’s former entities. I will point to an example of such an official capacity:


Related Information:

This is the only official information from the company notifying shareholders and/or general public of former board of directors/officers abandoning the company and its operations.

The former board of directors/officers, abandoning the company and its operations, were Monique Berry, Frank Rawson, and Nancy Fisher.

Mr. Dennis Fisher was not among the abandoning former board of directors/officers.

The abandoning former board of directors/officers did not seem to include thoughts about shareholders or legally required obligations towards shareholders in their unlawful and insulting actions and deliberately targeted and victimized shareholders in this dramatic event.

The first action attempted by Mr. Fisher to save the company and shareholder investments was to roll BEHL into another company, unfortunately, the deal fell through when actions of a member of the abandoning former board of directors killed the deal. This deal may have provided possibility for stockholders to regain some of their investment losses or gain profit. When this deal was killed stockholders were again targeted and victimized by actions of one of the members of the abandoning former board of directors.

Mr. Fisher then entered into a sucessful second deal where company control was turned over to Mr. Michael E. Burton. After turning over control of the company to Mr. Burton, Mr. Fisher resigned and is no longer with the company.

As part of Mr. Fisher's actions to save the company and shareholder investments, two amendments were filed:

1. Appointing Mr. Burton to positions of President, Treasurer, and Secretary, via amendment on 17 December, 2010, >

2. Increasing the preferred 'B' authorized amount, setting the preferred 'B' conversion and voting ratio, providing that conversion may only take place with unanimous written board of director approval, Mr. Fisher removed himself as CEOD (CEO/director), via amendment on 20 December, 2010, >

In his final official act with the company Mr. Fisher submitted his resignation, effective 24 December,2010, to the Florida Department of State - Division of Corporations as requred or needed by State of Florida statute or Florida Department of State procedure for legal and official notification. The resignation may be viewed here >

No other documents concerning director or officer resignation appear for Biocentric Energy Holdings, Inc. at the Florida Department of State - Division of Corporations web site.

Also related was the desertion of BNPD CEO Monique Berry (who also held position as president of BEHL), from BioCen Natural Products Development Group, causing a shutdown of the BioCen Natural Products Development Group company without legally required warning or notification to shareholders. Due to the business relationship between BNPD and BEHL, this intentional action targeted and victimized shareholders of both BNPD and BEHL.

Several thousand shareholders were targeted and victimized by the abandoning former board of directors/officers. Their actions demonstrate planning and intent to degrade and destroy company operations and affect shareholders adversly. Among their actions are, but not limited to, hacking company web site, theft of shareholder property, giving away shareholder property and allowing shareholder property to be stolen or destroyed or discarded, changing of security codes so the CEO could not enter the offices, misappropriating company funds, intentionally deceiving shareholders, participating in insider trading like activities, and seemingly violations of federal and state laws.

The actions of the abandoning former board of directors/officers is still targeting and victimizing shareholders. Shareholders deserved better from people they looked to for preserving and protecting investments which paid salaries of the abandoning former board of directors who certainly did not mind taking such in amounts up to $80,000.00 and $60,000.00.

Mr. Fisher showed his intent to keep the company alive, the abandoning former board of directors show an intent to destroy the company. The facts show, by their own words and actions, its the former board of directors/officers who abandoned the company, its operations, and shareholders, while displaying contempt, and disregard, for shareholders by their insulting and unlawful actions and lies.

Additional information: According to common and statutory law, abandonment is the relinquishment or renunciation of an interest, claim, control, privilege, possession or right, especially with the intent of never again resuming or reasserting such. Company officers are not like non-officer employees, they do not have luxury of simply deserting positions and must adhere to legal requirements and responsibilities imposed by federal and state law to ensure shareholder interest are protected and preserved. Federal law leaves board of director member/officer departure requirements up to the state in which the company is incorporated, however, effects of such are covered under federal and state law. The only legal means, according to the State of Florida in which the company is incorporated and has jurisdiction over the company and its officers, for members of the board of directors/officers to leave their position is via resignation or being removed from the position by the company. Two requirements imposed by the State of Florida for resignation are a written individual resignation to the company (the State of Florida defines written resignation as one which is for an individual and is signed with hand written signature), and, filing of the "Officer/Director Resignation For A Corporation" notice to the State of Florida. The only other case where a filing would not be required is; Leaving the company in case of aquisition of control, or buy out, by another company does not require a filing, this condition did not exist at the time of the former board of directors abandonment. In short, there was no "resignation" of the former abandoning board of directors, and their claims of resignation are false.

Such lies exist at the Investors Hub forum, a known stock basher and stock related criminal activity forum, in which abandoning former board of directors members/officers are involved and participate (including before abandonment) and passed members of that forum significant insider non-public company information and received help and assistance from that forum membership in abandoning the company and stealing rightful investment proceeds and property from thousands of stockholders. Claims by members of the abandoning former board of directors/officers contrary to that outlined or by those which assisted them, for "resignation", are lies, no legal resignations exist for the abandoning former board of directors/officers.

According to the State of Florida law, in which the company is incorporated and has jurisdiction over the company and its officers, company property is shareholder property; The law requires vote allowed to, and by, all shareholders of record for permission (through agreement by majority vote) for disposal of significantly all property by any means, no vote was allowed, no legal requirements adhered to, thus no permission obtained for disposal of property. Significantly all shareholder property was disposed of in other than normal course of business by intentional acts of the abandoning former board of directors who deliberately ignored laws regarding such. Theft is taking property without permission, property taken or given away without all shareholder of record permission (by majority vote) is stolen. The abandoning former board of directors/officers, in their own words and actions, verified and witnessed by other employees and other third parties, participated directly in the theft, and unlawful disposal, of shareholder property.

Plain and simple; The abandoning former board of directors/officers, codified by their actions and words, intentionally and deliberately while deceiving shareholders and the public at large, in violation of law, abandoned the company its operations and shareholders, deserted their positions, misappropriated funds, stole and misappropriated and unlawfully disposed of shareholder property, failed to preserve and protect shareholder interest, breeched and failed to perform their duties as directors, and committed these acts before, during, and after their abandonment.

This information is believed to be factually correct as of the date and time of posting and is not knowingly incorrect and is speech protected under the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Now of note, specifically in RED is an immediate claim of OFFICIAL CAPACITY. Can you please post where such a public notice was given by Biocentric Energy in any public capacity via market wire or OTC? See the issue at hand is that apparently only members of a specific stock forum were given this “official” Notice from someone representing the company. Because see only a company representatives can release “OFFICIAL NOTICES” for public consumption.

Never mind that all that is written in the Notice is complete fabrication of events and ignores legal proceedings already against Biocentric Energy that have in fact negated every claim made from the above statement. I am not sure why Biocentric Energy failed to appear at the Labor Board hearing and caused an entry of guilt. Sad fact is that the nobody will see a dime from the outcome.

So let me know if you can find the actual release and not some self produced Press Release from someone that has direct connection and has been given authority to release such information in a manner on behalf of the defunct company Biocentric Energy. Not even the company lawyer would have put this out with all of it’s awesome spelling errors and complete fabrication of law and criminal activity that has not one single report or arrest backing the claims..NOT ONE!