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Re: nightstocker post# 430

Wednesday, 01/15/2003 1:21:53 PM

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 1:21:53 PM

Post# of 19561
Thanks for the offer.

As I said, Shrotker did ask it by e-mail (swee post # 388 among others).

Yesterday I wrote the following to V.Duff (After I reported I could not reach her at the address I used in the past, I used other ones). Remark that I usually do not copy on the boards exchanges I have off line but this case seems to justify it.

My note: (Subject: Can you help?)

Mrs Duff,

Considering your credentials and your verifyable reputation, you are the only source of reliable information I have access to. I therefore hope to receive some kind of answer from you. I commit not to reproduce your answer on any board (SIC!!!).

At the end of this note, you will see the report made on a message board by a contact of mine, trying to assess the company thru different sources and not being very successful up to now.

The point that concerns me, considering your past responsiveness, is his reference to your not answering his e-mail.

I would appreciate if, in conformity with your constraints and ethics, you could comment on the following.

Thanks beforehand,

Roger ...

Attachment: (The note of

First thing I did was call a friend who owns a trucking company that handles only liquid freight. He is the only one I know in the business and thought I might take a chance that he's heard of them. He said that he'd never heard of them, but that might not be unusual as he doesn't deal with what he called "refer or box" haulers. He looked further and contacted the Virginia DOT, why that state I don't know, perhaps his company is a Virgina company and said that they told him that they had never heard of Veltex or Multi-Modal. He lives in Pennsylvania. I did not mention All Coast at the time. He suggested that I check with and I am unable to access but the other site had no listing.

Second. I e-mailed Veltex and asked for a source for independent verification of the trucking operation. Specifically a trade journal or organization like ATA, the American Trucking Association. I have not received a response as of this writting.

Next. I sent an e-mail to the Tennessee DOT. This is the state in which Multi-Modal exists, if they haven't heard of them I'd have a problem. I received an e-mail back indicating that the e-mail address to which I made my request only issued permits for oversized loads. They said that they had not issued these permits to these companies and suggested that I contact the "safety" division of the TN. DOT. I have done that and have not yet received an answer.

I do not find it unusual that there are no oversize permits on the records or I would have sold my shares. I am concerned that I cannot find independent verification of the company through industry sources, but I am willing to continue to try and ask everyone's help in that effort.

I am concerned that those who seem to be so positive cannot provide that information and end my concerns once and for all. I am concerned that Ms. Duff has not answered me regarding this issue.

I give no creedence to the OTC company as I am sure that Veltex is paying for this show. Many companies do it when they are starting out and I do not think it's a bad thing either.

I will write to the Better Business Bureaus and Chambers Of Commerce in Memphis and Diamond Bar California.

The answer I did receive last night at 7.53 last night (Eastern or Western time?)


I am really busy right now and will get back to you as soon as I can.



