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Alias Born 03/31/2006


Re: m177 post# 551

Friday, 10/07/2011 2:49:25 PM

Friday, October 07, 2011 2:49:25 PM

Post# of 570
A big block went through at 2:20 for 2000 shares, i think that is a sell? since it went at $2...

14:45:36 3 2.80 + CBOE
14:44:06 1 2.70 - BATS au
14:43:51 10 2.70 - BATS au
14:41:18 13 3.00 + BOST bb
14:41:18 5 3.00 + PAC sp
14:41:15 5 2.96 + INTERNAT sl
14:41:15 5 2.90 - PAC au
14:38:24 1 3.00 + BATS au
14:36:24 21 2.95 + CBOE bb
14:36:24 10 2.95 + PAC au
14:36:24 5 2.95 + PAC au
14:36:24 4 2.95 + AMEX au
14:36:24 4 2.95 + AMEX au
14:36:24 11 2.95 + AMEX au
14:36:24 11 2.95 + PHIL bb
14:36:24 11 2.95 + INTERNAT bb
14:20:51 2000 2.00 + PHIL
12:48:18 10 1.55 + AMEX au
12:48:18 10 1.55 + INTERNAT au
12:48:18 10 1.55 + PHIL au
12:26:18 1 1.30 - PAC au
10:49:48 1 2.45 PHIL au

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