Smudge---I agree. Some features of the old retreat were better, but this is what we gots ta work wit so, lets have some constructive criticism(sp) instead of just bagging on it.
One suggestion might be to put the stock ticker in the heading, that way retreaters could skip over stocks that for whatever reason they are not interested in.
I didn't know about the private message capability and I'll give it that a try. Thanks for pointing it out to the retreat.
Anyway, yesterday was a 90mph drive through the CO rockies from one meeting to another, didn't get to stop and enjoy the beauty AT ALL, that probably affected my response. Guess I just needed some sleep and I do apologize for jumping the gun a bit.
Hope everyone has a great weekend...I got roped into cub scouts, so as you tip your tastey beverage I'll be doing the scout motto, hehe. peace.