The patent(s) were not sold to Apple. You can continue to make the false claim, it won't change anything. Since you claim to have the complete knowledge of Apple, why they "bought" the patents, when they "bought" the patents and are claiming One Voice is still a viable company and it's stock is ready to explode upwards in price from the implied millions in cash they got for their "patents", just zero in on two simple questions that anyone claiming to have your knowledge would absolutely know:
1) What amount of cash did Apple "pay" for the OVOE "patents"?
2) Where did that cash go?
No problem finding those answers I am sure. Of course, if you don't know the answers to those two simple questions, the reasoning as to why will be dead obvious. You know the patents were transferred with a large lot of of similarly grouped, worthless patents to a buyer that was not Apple. And that they were then exchanged, but do prove me wrong by answering those simple questions. IMHO.
Pojama people, pojama people people...Lord they make you sleepy with the things they might say...