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Alias Born 08/20/2011

Re: Portman27 post# 14

Tuesday, 08/23/2011 2:21:10 AM

Tuesday, August 23, 2011 2:21:10 AM

Post# of 65
There's nothing to gain in manipulating the stock in this current situation.

If there's anyone out there that has an opinion about this, I would like to here what you have to say.

If you don't believe me just watch the stock for yourself. Watch what happens when the stock starts going down to meet the markets demand. Most of the time you can see the whole thing play out in one day. I have even seen it done over a couple of hours or within minutes. If the stock falls late in the day, watch what happens the next day.
We all know stocks move up and down according to market demand. What I'm seeing is the market demand driving the price down and then odd biding and/or buying/selling that stops the momentum and forces the price back to 2.00 dollars a share. Then it just stalls out at 2.00 dollars and the odd biding and buying/selling stops. When volume is really low like this stock is, it's much easier to see what's happening. It has become a predictable pattern.

I saw this happen a couple of times before but I convinced myself that sometimes strange and unpredictable things take place. I can see now thats definitely not the case at all here. If it happens a few times, big deal. I've seen it happen so many times now. It's gotten to the point where anyone can see when it starts to happen. I've actually made money because of it. I saw the push to force the stock back up so I decide to jump the bid and throw in some money. It took four and a half minutes and I made 150.00 dollars. I know it isn't much but if I have to watch the stock anyways, I might as well make some money while I'm doing it. There was no risk, I knew darn well the stock would be forced right back up to 2.00 dollars.

I've been watching this stock really close for awhile now. Anytime this stock moves or has any activity I look to see whats going on. When I decide to reposition an investment in my portfolio I watch the stock like a day trader. I don't take my eyes off it until it's done or the opportunity has passed. If I hadn't been watching this stock so close I would not have noticed it.
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