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Re: cowboy71558 post# 8197

Friday, 08/19/2011 3:29:25 PM

Friday, August 19, 2011 3:29:25 PM

Post# of 9091
No clue?? Do you guys know how much money St. George (John Fife) makes off of this company?

Just the financing charges alone for violation of St. George notes
2010: $960,500

2011: $1,113,464

Add in the fact that St. George. and John Fife own a collective 185,946 of preferred Series A stock, which make them among the 5 entities that have the majority voting power in the company.
Add to that St. George had James Tilton inserted into the company as CEO. Essentially speaking, James Tilton 'works' for St. George since he is their puppet. He owns 504,865 shares of Series A preferred.
So basically 3 out of the 5 majority voters in the company are St. George people. And of those 5, they control the majority of the voting majority.

St. George's first command to James Tilton. Raise the A/S to 100,000,000,000 shares so that there will be enough to convert.

Regardless of where the share price is, When St. George converts their shares, it'll be at a discount. Even if the PPS is at .0001, he'll get them discounted at .00005 and still make a killing.

This company has returned to be being a shell. No business activities. No product, except for on paper.

The future of this company will be that NWMT, NewMarket Technology, James Tilton's business buddies that go around buying up shell companies, which include Titlon's other companies, will acquire Helix. John Fife of St. George will make millions and then they will R/S, to such a degree, in order to wipe out all existing shareholders.