31 troop killed.. down grade USA and odumbo goes GOLFING.. what a piece of chit!! man, the media is really pushing to make odumbo look good. Who said the recession is over, I still see a lot of people who are unemployed, more homeless, foreclosures are still going on. VOTE THEM ALL OUT IN 2012!!!!!! China is starting to dictate to the US and odumbo being the gutless wonder will eventually bow down to them, especially if they promise him a high position in their hierarchy, we have to unite to beat these idiots down, to get our country back, to get someone in office that will tax the hell out of those that take jobs out of the country, that is the biggest contributor to unemployment in our country. VOTE THEM ALL OUT IN 2012!!!!! odumbo's chief of jobs committee is the CEO of GE and GE just transferred 20,000 jobs to China, another dumb move by odumbo which is why he earned the name, until we get a president in there with the testicles of an elephant, our country will not survive, odumbo has the size of peas if he has any at all. VOTE THEM ALL OUT IN 2012!!!!! UNITE, UNITE, UNITE!!!!! and let us take our country back. let these chickenfodder sobs know that we are tired of having to pay for their greed and stupidity.