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Re: chrisbaskett post# 27228

Monday, 06/06/2005 8:28:06 AM

Monday, June 06, 2005 8:28:06 AM

Post# of 82595
Chris, as far as "good" go, I indeed believe that Dr. Frudakis has classified to a 95% certainty those who would benefit from Ovanome, unless I am reading the reports wrong or getting them mixed up. To me, this is having the "good" but perfecting the product so we don't end up like Elan & Biogen.

It is probable that his Gold Standard presentation of this product could be right around the corner. I don't know. I think that those Scientist at Moffit Cntr. who's involvement is instumental in factuating these results could propel, spur on the discovery platform faster than we realize. I still recall and would like to here emphasize Dr. Frudakis's statement that what he brings to the table is acceleration to the "Max" and I also recall a statement about 1000X's, so this aspect of DnaPrint could very well be submitted as complete within the year, or next year. Just my opinion, and w/ wishful thinking as I am sure some will point out.

Peace, Blessings & Boat Drinks, Easy

Peace, Blessings & Boat Drinks, Easy