X here is a post of FOT from another board!
Keep that dream alive!
posted May 27, 2005 14:34
I just spoke with Bill Howe again....
Here are some highlights (as best as I can remember):
1) I asked about PLNI expectations to eps that Semco would bring. He stated that he could not put this in the PR, but GP is VERY and he stressed the word VERY, interested in their products. He indicated that it WILL be trading much higher than where we are at right now.
2) I asked about the inclusion of intellectual property assosociated with Semco, and he said they are all included. Without the Semco intellectual prop, Bill esimated PLNI intellectual prop worth $28 million. This is more than the $16 million before, because it includes more recent additions.
3) I asked about the OTC listing and he said "momentarily".. I also asked about longer term (12-18 months) and he said their goal was Nasdaq. I am guessing that we see a PR after hours today, or early next week about the audit completion and OTC application.
4) He also mentioned that on June 15th, PLNI will be attending a conference in NYC with 60 institutional investors to present PLNI. He mentioned that they have already received a TREMENDOUS amount of interest from them, but they required PLNI to be fully reporting. Bill told me that they WILL BE FULLY REPORTING before they go to NYC!!!!!!!!
5) I asked about share buyback since Semco will be bringing in a lot of cash, and he said they had this exact converstation this morning. Their fear is that it would remove the liquidity from trading. I then followed up by asking about Turek cancelling some of his shares. He said that it will probably happen in the future... my guess would be when they apply to the Nas.
Personnally.. I will be buying as much PLNI as I can! IMHO, This will be trading above 0.1 before the end of the summer. Once the Institutions start buying, this is going to go through the roof!
Also, I want to become Balder's close personal friend... cause in a couple monhts, he will be a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE!!!!