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Re: Dale C post# 109737

Friday, 07/08/2011 4:33:25 PM

Friday, July 08, 2011 4:33:25 PM

Post# of 111729
Well the share structure for the other stock (that BEHL had no money for to continue the SCAM that Pawson and gang were trying to do) allowed it to have the hype, hype's dog, and the hypes dog fleas to be able to get some pump going (finally) and ability to trade it up and down (at least if one always watches for the dumping).

Same reason that BEHL was able to do a PUMP and DUMP scheme a couple of years ago with a now shut down PSC. The share structure allowed for it.

I'm afraid the hype and/or pump won't touch this with a ten foot pole (a smart decision) due to the lousy share structure of 15 BILLION and dirty debt dumping that the ticker will continue to do. Just not that much sucker money available and trading availability to battle the “debt dumping” and dirty people behind the ticker.

Now there is supposedly some “sale of the shell” of BEHL, but I have my doubts that any full release of Pawson and gangs interest in this is being done. Just more phony business, with a newly formed website that can be done from any home computer with a new name to replace the imaginary “Burton” with. It doesn't really matter, it's the debt and share structure one has to contend with mostly here with the dirt that compounds the situation.

We at least maybe have some name and daughter that might be real, but that guy and previous business has just history of failed attempts and the last filing or actions were just checks returned due to NSF for the State filing fees years ago. I’m not even sure the guy is healthy and it’s not just the daughter handling the paperwork (if there really is much of that other than fluff PR’s or minimal state filings).

It’s real curious the connection Pawson and gang chose to continue this charade with. But it’s a pinky world, and phony CEO’s, phony business, imaginary product, phony PR’s, phony web-pages, and criminal activity are running rampant. At least we can be thankful that with a words like “bio-waste management” that it is just a phony business to sell more shares with or at the most try to sell some idea of cheap toilets that are portrayed in cartoons like “King of the Hill”. That’s about the only “bio-waste management” I would rather them do.

But here is a couple of posts I made, one over a month ago and another almost two months ago that are basically still holding true. The share structure here will just kill the ability to trade or invest without losses. Hopefully some took the opportunnity of selling into the fluff PR and was able to get out while the ability was there or what little ability is left.

First the "trash" has to be cleaned up as is this toxic shell has to be debt dumped and cleaned before another business can even start to work with it. The liquidity has not been good enough yet to do that, more shares to be dumped. When there is NO BID, that means no matter what is asked, it is WORTHLESS due to nobody is offering anything for it, or the very most, not much…………………….
……………YEARS of PRs with NOTHING accomplished. NOTHING meaning WORTHLESS and it doesn't matter what the next business is going to be with this toxic dark shell of 5 months or so. It still has to deal with the 15 BILLION maxed out share structure and will have to have number one, clean trash (which it’s not yet due to lack of liquidity), and number two a R/S or other negative consequences to any current shareholders for future "financing" and any future profitability for the shell owners.

Make some Tshirts, sell garbage, mining claims, doesn't matter, it still just a toxic shell that has to go through the "rinse and repeat" process. But no business, no product, nothing as of yet -- doesn't even conform to a public company criteria.

Of course at some point there will be some fluff PR with some fluff business statement. One doesn't need to be privy to anything to know that.

Again, it doesn't matter whether this toxic ticker is going to sell tee shirts, mining claims, or some sort of green energy scam. They all work the same way. This shell has been dark for about 5 months now, been "debt dumping", and maxing out the A/S and the "turn around" and grab ones ankles is nothing that is new.

The "new" BEHL will have to change share structure in order to continue at some point. That is as old as the pinky market and some story will have to be told to do it.

Of course too many of these toxic dirty shells don't do anything with a "new" fluff PR as far as the pps for the really "old" shareholders. May excite them a little, maybe by creating a small pump and dump in order for the promoter(s), shell owners to "finance" some more, but it won't get up to anything close to where the "old" shareholders need it to be in order to recoup any of their losses…….
……This is just one very dirty POS ticker, with low life lying promoters behind it and with a share structure that has nothing good in the future about it. It's going to be a real rough one to do anything no matter how much one wants to push to try to make people think there is some empty "info" out there of some yet again promising future.

One would be better off selling swamp land, and the swamp land would probably be worth more than BEHL. A cleaner job too.