Past tense ? Dave WAS the one running the show... and while Dave WAS, things were working just fine. Turrini had it all thoroughly mucked up, Dave came in and turned it around...
All Turrini had to do for this to succeed was NOT screw it up...
So instead, Turrini mucks it all up... AGAIN... ?
Dave takes charge... things get fixed... head the right way.
Turrini takes charge... things break... turn back the wrong way... that NOT being the first time Turrini has delivered the same result ?
Funny, isn't it... that no one here is showing us any PROOFS IN PERFORMANCE... that show Dave creating any problems... rather than working on fixing them... and succeeding ? The ONLY one here who HAS done that... is ME. I've pointed out that Dave DID make a mistake... by not firing Turrini back in 2008/2009.
Otherwise, the pissing contest over "the people" is STILL an effort in distraction, intended to distract us from Turrini DOING THE WRONG THING... NOW...
Doing the wrong thing... is not acceptable.
It is not MORE acceptable... because of "timing"...
I don't find submitting to that sort of blackmail is ever useful.
I do find the effort to engage in it... not useful.
Turrini made the choice.
Turrini is responsible.