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Alias Born 03/16/2009

Re: Willy post# 7118

Monday, 06/27/2011 4:10:57 PM

Monday, June 27, 2011 4:10:57 PM

Post# of 31801
Willy, you seem to forget that this forum is for CAVU investors - not for your personal agenda. Potential investors come here looking for information to help them decide if this is a good investment, and then they see you and others attempting to prove how big you all are. No one is twisting your arm to be here. If you spent half as much time posting information about the oil and gas industry, and CAVU's place in it, decisions to invest would be greatly improved (a thinking individual should know this). You claim to be knowledgeable about this industry - do me a favor and post something that proves you do know and can find information about this industry.
