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Alias Born 04/09/2001

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Saturday, 06/25/2011 3:59:29 AM

Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:59:29 AM

Post# of 201
Message from David Talbott

Dear Friends,

If you have considered attending the upcoming conference, July 6-9 at the University of Maryland, but hesitated
to make a final commitment, then perhaps what has occurred in the past few weeks could make a difference for you.
The NPA/Thunderbolts Project conference, is a turning point for us.

Five independent film producers, each with his own interest and project vision, will be present at the conference.
Each understands and is inspired by the Electric Universe. What lies ahead is greater visibility and media impact.

In the sciences the doors to the electric universe are now opening in virtually every field of inquiry.
Through the NPA, hundreds of accredited scientists are coming into an encounter with the Electric Universe-
-and they already know that something is desperately wrong with standard theory.

Please do not underestimate the power of this event to inspire new directions within our circle.
The Thursday evening (July 7) "Meeting with the Electric Universe" will include opportunities to converse with
speakers, film producers and others who will shape the future of the movement. In many instances, the new potential
is only now beginning to clarify. Experience has shown that gatherings of this type can catalyze projects and
relationships lasting for decades.

Please accept our invitation to this groundbreaking event:

Just follow the link to register at the bottom of the page, and please do not hesitate to ask for assistance from our
logistics coordinator Mark Spann on any issue of registration, travel, or accommodations.
He's already walked many people through the process, and he will be happy to help.
Just email him at:

David Talbott
The Thunderbolts Project
Mikamar Publishing

2315 SE Wren St.
Milwaukie, OR

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