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Alias Born 05/11/2008

Re: risktaker33 post# 20706

Saturday, 06/18/2011 6:09:59 AM

Saturday, June 18, 2011 6:09:59 AM

Post# of 28831
here you go risk,

that is one of hundreds average chats I have in my documents listed.. everytime the same stuff. talking and talking and nothing ever happened.. promises and telling people what a great guy he is.. heffernan is capt. jack in case somebody did not know that -lol

that was in 2007/ july

11:03 AM: Doug (weo1998): getting ugly jack lol
11:03 AM: Capt. Jack (12buzz): one solid seller there
11:03 AM: Capt. Jack (12buzz): lets see what he has
11:03 AM: Doug (weo1998): only 136K so far
11:03 AM: Doug (weo1998): trading in 5K increments
11:03 AM: Capt. Jack (12buzz): i think sbsh will be lead ask in a few minutes
11:04 AM: Doug (weo1998): lower?
11:04 AM: Capt. Jack (12buzz): ill wait for him
11:04 AM: Doug (weo1998): 01x012 SBSH bid, NITE ask
11:06 AM: Doug (weo1998): Who's buying at .012? that you jack?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): back
Tom (senderos): when are you going to the Carib?
Doug (weo1998): He's there now I think
Tom (senderos): really?
Doug (weo1998): I though he said earlier he was fishing
Capt. Jack (12buzz): gt the report
Capt. Jack (12buzz): after xmas
Capt. Jack (12buzz): im emailing you
Doug (weo1998): What report jack?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): shop report
Doug (weo1998): What is that?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): for toms shop
Doug (weo1998): ok
Tom (senderos): thanks Jack
Capt. Jack (12buzz): we should have a trading one
Tom (senderos): trading report?
Tom (senderos): ah, shop
Capt. Jack (12buzz): yes
Capt. Jack (12buzz): did you find the attachment
Tom (senderos): no mail yet
Tom (senderos): not sure what to do
Tom (senderos): copy that code where?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): add a box on your page
Capt. Jack (12buzz): hit insert code
Capt. Jack (12buzz): repoort was on the other message
Capt. Jack (12buzz): as an attachment
Tom (senderos): i see no attachment there
Tom (senderos): and i see no icon for any attachment
Capt. Jack (12buzz): back
Capt. Jack (12buzz): mmmm
Capt. Jack (12buzz): try in PM
Tom (senderos): what about regular email?
********** at 1:28 PM Capt. Jack (12buzz) joined the room
Capt. Jack (12buzz): got it now tom
Tom (senderos): yes
Tom (senderos): now
Capt. Jack (12buzz): ok
Capt. Jack (12buzz): make sense
Tom (senderos): that is store only, not ad clicks
Capt. Jack (12buzz): yes
Tom (senderos): however, tells us nothing about what was purchased
Tom (senderos): by whom, etc.
Tom (senderos): wouldn't all of that be useful?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): nothing was from your store
Capt. Jack (12buzz): from ads was
Tom (senderos): oh, ad purchases
Capt. Jack (12buzz): its just your store
Capt. Jack (12buzz): nothing else
Tom (senderos): wait
Tom (senderos): confused
Tom (senderos): report are purchases from ads?
Tom (senderos): not purchased from store?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): the report you have
Capt. Jack (12buzz): is only the store
Capt. Jack (12buzz): nothing else
Tom (senderos): items purchased from the store?
Tom (senderos): shows 6 items purchased
Capt. Jack (12buzz): looking
Tom (senderos): columns are labelled poorly
Tom (senderos): 2nd to right column
Tom (senderos): is that itmes ordered?
Tom (senderos): items
Capt. Jack (12buzz): im checking i get the rport on screen
Tom (senderos): confusing
Steve (four): i'm waiting for saprring partners on the thread we have going fellas
Tom (senderos): column headings do not line up with columns
Steve (four): sparring
Tom (senderos): we're talkin business now Steve
Steve (four): yes
Steve (four): i'll keep quiet for a while
Steve (four): ive been told
Tom (senderos): trying to decipher store reports
Capt. Jack (12buzz): ill try to gt the reports clear
Steve (four): u want to send me a copy to look at?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): and give you guys pointers on traffic development
Capt. Jack (12buzz): next month you can have a url
Capt. Jack (12buzz): like
Tom (senderos): but was anything purchased?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): tha
Capt. Jack (12buzz): that will divert to site
Capt. Jack (12buzz): then i have more control over what goes in the store
): fur pelts
Tom (senderos): i know it is early in the game
Steve (four): ?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): and you can run it like your own
Capt. Jack (12buzz): with a big ugly hairy partner
Tom (senderos): but good time to get bugs out
Capt. Jack (12buzz): yes
Steve (four): we eat bugs here in thai
Tom (senderos): i figured
Steve (four): hehehehe
Tom (senderos): you were eating something weird
Tom (senderos): last night
Steve (four): something
Steve (four): hehehehe
Tom (senderos): you were eating something weird
Tom (senderos): last night
Steve (four): something
Steve (four): glad you enjoyed my disertation
Capt. Jack (12buzz): volumes good
Steve (four): am happy to be invited to Cornell for a lecture series
Capt. Jack (12buzz): i want to found the faculty of anarchy
Tom (senderos): lol
Tom (senderos): so many offers
Steve (four): by /lord Buddha of the Fishes?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): and i could hve the first phd
Capt. Jack (12buzz): in anarchy
Tom (senderos): you can have my office if i can have your boat
Capt. Jack (12buzz): mmmmmm
Steve (four): dont do i
Capt. Jack (12buzz): lord buddha of the fishes, it wouldnt work without the boat
Tom (senderos): believe me, i would get the better deal
Tom (senderos): of course, i have all this friggin status
Steve (four): Lord Buddha of the Fishes can be the Patron Saint of the Faculty
Capt. Jack (12buzz): elke is in venz sticking pins in a round doll
Capt. Jack (12buzz): that looks alot like me
Capt. Jack (12buzz): she hates me today
Tom (senderos): she is usually all about the pps TODAY
Steve (four): chuckie has just lost his "grumpy" title i gave him 2 days ago
Capt. Jack (12buzz): and her effection for me seems to be tied to it
Capt. Jack (12buzz): spices arrive
Tom (senderos): no
Tom (senderos): maybe at home now
Tom (senderos): maybe at home now
Capt. Jack (12buzz): they told me today
Steve (four): strings attached to affections not a good thing
Tom (senderos): will know tonight
Capt. Jack (12buzz): yopu will love my home address tom
vited soprano and I over after work for a scotch and a cigar
Tom (senderos): k

Capt. Jack (12buzz): nice
Capt. Jack (12buzz): no cubans there
Tom (senderos): he has same ritual that i do
Tom (senderos): correct
Steve (four): kinky
Tom (senderos): then we all eat bugs together
Steve (four): yummmmy
Steve (four): habe you tried Rat?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): i have a breakfast cigar
Tom (senderos): really?
Tom (senderos): every day?
Steve (four): yes really
Capt. Jack (12buzz): coffee cigar
Tom (senderos): i do that sometimes
Tom (senderos): on weekends
Steve (four): i went to the laos boarder a while ago with a thai friend
Capt. Jack (12buzz): waitresses stare at me like im an alien
Capt. Jack (12buzz): had rat
Steve (four): cigar.
Tom (senderos): can you get Cubans there?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): yes
Tom (senderos): good
Steve (four): at the boarder a woman sitting on a tub got up after an exchange of thai words with friend
Capt. Jack (12buzz): im a vintage fan patagas
Tom (senderos): wow
Capt. Jack (12buzz): what did she do
Steve (four): pulled out a hesham bag
Capt. Jack (12buzz): rat snack
Steve (four): filled with some critter....still alive
Tom (senderos): hate to repeat but i got to know: can you tell if anything sold from my store at all?
Tom (senderos): what is that column that adds to 6 things?
Capt. Jack (12buzz): nothing zippo bbc video
Steve (four): plunged them into a plastic bag tied it up and handed it over to freind
Capt. Jack (12buzz): 53$
Steve (four): that night we dined
Capt. Jack (12buzz): nice
Capt. Jack (12buzz): commission 5.30
Capt. Jack (12buzz): fouond it
Tom (senderos): so sold one video?
Steve (four): i'll return it later tom
Capt. Jack (12buzz): ye
Capt. Jack (12buzz): s
Tom (senderos): my wife bought that
Steve (four): thought it was a naturist nudie video
Steve (four): ooops wrong tom
Capt. Jack (12buzz): no spousal comms, ill take that
Tom (senderos): so system works
Capt. Jack (12buzz): lol
Capt. Jack (12buzz): yes
Tom (senderos): bought it for our grandson
Tom (senderos): i just remembered
Steve (four): sorry no family comms either
Capt. Jack (12buzz): i went to breakfast 3 weeks ago, shirt undone my hair looking like a hampster
Capt. Jack (12buzz): 200 000 baht in my pocket no shoes
Capt. Jack (12buzz): sexy young waitress said to me, you look so hansome with all that money
Steve (four): lol
Capt. Jack (12buzz): thats thailand baby
Steve (four): the story of thailand
Steve (four): sure is
Tom (senderos): sounds good
Tom (senderos): sounds a bit like Latin America
Steve (four): i went in bar with armani suit and 100baht
Tom (senderos): only is the U.S. so darn tight
Steve (four): tolsd to "get lost Cheap Charlie"
Tom (senderos): ok, i have a meeting
Tom (senderos): later
Steve (four): so here the clothes dont maketh the man
Capt. Jack (12buzz): i went to 7/11 driving home, young girl in there helped me get the milk carried it to counter i reached in
to my pocket and she put her hand straight in the other one
Steve (four): annnnnnd
Steve (four): what she find
Steve (four): how long did the hand linger
Capt. Jack (12buzz): he found a large scared man
Capt. Jack (12buzz): no typo
Steve (four): thats LINGER for everyone
Capt. Jack (12buzz
Capt. Jack (12buzz): he was cute though