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Alias Born 06/09/2011

Re: None

Friday, 06/10/2011 7:11:32 PM

Friday, June 10, 2011 7:11:32 PM

Post# of 92719
OK, I was cut short yesterday as I did not realize I get only 3 posts a day as a new subscriber and I am not ready to commit to s subscription here yet. So I must address a few replies I missed yesterday, in the name of good etiquette.

First, I think it was Hurtzss. The smokers we had try it all basically have said the same thing. They just don't feel that nicotine hit, and none seemed to feel warmth incoming into their lungs,

Two, I thought the two issues may be due to the same cause, as I had read others who speculated some bad units are out there, which with anything, some lemons make it out of QA. However, I also read some additional speculation that the nicotine filters are a slightly different style than the Cinnamon and Menthol non-nicotine filters. Now I cannot verify these claims, as we have not purchased any of the non-nicotinie type of filters, but it SEEMS that is extremely plausible. I know gut feels are meaningless, but having been around enough "new product" launches myself, I hate to say I see oversights like this far too often by zealous marketing and sales folks. Even as design and engineering are pleading for a delay. There IS always the possibility that a cash strapped start up is willing to unload their current inventory hell or highwater because frankly they need the funds. I think this is putting carts before horses, but that is my opinion as I see that alienating excited new customers, and even investors. AGAIN, all this is specualtion built off of other specuations to this point but...

Three, today's news is somewhat what I wanted to hear. SOMETHING was mentioned about the start kits availability. Had they said they are getting a new shipment with their most recent revision to correct either airflow issues with the nicotine filters, or to correct quality issues, I'd of been tickled pink. Now they may not have enough raw data to do either at this time, and that too is acceptable. Just not ideal for those who need to sober up for the long haul.

Four, Flippers need this volatility. Those bashing the stock today are making money on the short, and many buy stocks based on charts and graphs and daily and weekly losses and gains. Many are not only day traders, but minute men. They see a penny like this rocket from .001 to .07, they know the hypsters have pulled it off. In many cases this is true, in some cases, they hype is worthy of consideration. I think SFIO is worthy, I bought in at .07 myself when I caught wind of a real product coming. I seldom if ever buy pennies, as I can't track stocks all day. So I buy them when they seem ready to become a real company. I've missed on more than my fair share too. Ebay and Netflix still make me cry. The best part is you really never loose with these pennies that start to make legit products that SELL. Even the ones that fail, will typically give you enough time to make you intial investment back.

All this being said (in a long winded post to conserve my 3 of the day) I doubled my position today. We have a product in hand, and yes our smoker test subjects have some minor but important feedback to this point. We ONLY have one starter kit, and we may have a bad one. Either way it's either a design issue (albeit most likely minor) or a quality issue (also, most likely minor) but still an issue with our base unit. I think it is preventing the flow of warm air, and thus you are also not drawing in enough to the nicotine to create that satisfying "hit" they are looking for. So I am excited to get a chance to obtain some additional starter kits. I have the hype built up enough with folks who still want to try if their first time, to keep me busy. I just don't know if I want to keep investing money in kits in filters that I'd rather be pumping into my stock, because yes at this price... EVERY buck counts. Folks are going to be come millionaires on this stock, I can't afford enough to be one of them, but I am still going to profit happily in the long run if these minor issues get ironed out.

Finally, my Katherine Heigl line of which I am proud as I just adore her and she looked so silly with that plastic air vapor toy. NOW THAT BEING SAID, they ARE helping people to quit smoking, and I mostly kid because me, and especially he smokers I know, laugh at how that video clip looks. I bascially equate it to my grand daughter blowing bubbles in the back yard. Which is why they are all really keen one the, "I just want to get the hit and have the feel of a cigarette." Which is what makes SFIO's product so simply genious, it is a SOFT filter (this is huge to each and everyone of our test subects who have tried and are waiting, many of which have refused to try traditional e-cigs just to test them.) In addition to the lack of a "phoney looking" puff coming out. If it serves a purpose it makes sense, but for looks forget about it. That is what will really back file on those the emit vapors. It's not that resturaunts and bars won't allow most of them, it's that most smokers (the more hard core the more critical of it in my group) don't like the vapor. It makes sense with a real cigarette, since there is fire involved. "No fire? I'm not a three year old, you ain't fooling me." Is what they think.

In the end, I have an EVEN more far out theory. SFIO doesn't want to go crazy on their new releases. KISS... Yes keep it simple stupid! This allows them time to work out these issue only hyper additive types like us investors constantly looking for that next big tip worry about. If anything, their share price slides back, allowing them to perhaps recoup some of their own shares at better prices. Becuase if you think I am excited I am able to dollar cost average on this puppy, well how do you think they themselves see it? Buying bonanza, that for a little while they don't have to report on and drive their stock up liek will be the case very soon for them.

Charts mean nothing when a penny reaches the point to cross over to small cap status. Well, let me rephrase that. They mean nothing to long term investors who have researched their prooduct and like the potential. These same chart patterns are seen on pennies that die, as well and pennies that fly at this juncture. I'm not saying SFIO is the net Netflix, Ebay, or Google. It's not. Howevever, it has a real product now, that is really for sale, and this gives it a RE/AL chance.

So the POINT of my first post yesterday. I wished the company would clarify the situation with starter kits. Which frankly, they may have done today. I'm just still not sure they are being completely open, but there is good reasons not too. Oddly enough, another good thing. THEY HAVE NOT started to advertise yet. My brother asked about that and I explained how horrible an idea that is. They gotta get the supply chain going, the kinks worked out and THEN they can let Katherine Hiegl redeem herself on late night TV!!! smile

P.S. It's been known since 2009 that AHN Biotechnologie GmbH has supplied the filters, so that is not actually new news. Any Google search will quickly confirm that.