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Alias Born 04/14/2010

Re: op9171787 post# 8526

Friday, 06/10/2011 3:10:50 PM

Friday, June 10, 2011 3:10:50 PM

Post# of 37856
I've been elected to Public Office four times. Served in the Army four years, fought a stupid war for both a Democrat and a Republican. I'm an American who works from the middle. Congress doesn't work any longer because both sides aren't willing to meet in the middle. So, we just sit and ferment instead of fixing the problems.

Sarah Palin is not a normal Republican, she is as radical as they come. That's why she is at the bottom of the list. She quit her job in the middle of her term in order to sell books, take a TV job and make herself rich. That is not the kind of person that I want serving in Public Office. And that isn't the kind of person that most registered Republicans want either.

I invest in companies that I think will make me money. And everything I say is just my opinion.

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