my wife has a TSP account with the governement. I have all the money in the G-fund at the moment. The C fund matches the SPX.
The others I don't really understand. I wish they had charts so i could have a better idea
F Fund – Fixed Income Index Investment Fund
The F fund is designed to provide a greater return than money markets in the long-term. The intention of the F Fund is to mirror the performance of the Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index, a broad index of the U.S. bond market.
•S Fund – Small-Cap Stock Index Investment Fund
The S Fund is designed to match the performance of the Wilshire 4500 Index, which is made up of U.S. companies not included in the S&P 500 Index.
The S Fund is invested in the Barclays Extended Market Index Fund. Unlike the C fund, which owns shares in all 500 companies in the S&P 500 Index, the S Fund does not hold every single stock included in the index. Instead, it holds stocks of most of the companies in the index with market values greater than $1 billion.
•I Fund – International Stock Index Investment Fund
The I Fund offers the opportunity to earn potentially high rates of return by investing in international companies. This Fund is invested in the Barclays EAFE Index Fund, which holds common stocks of all the companies represented in the Morgan Stanley Capital International EAFE (Europe, Australasia,Far East) Index. The Barclays EAFE Index has holdings in 21 different developed countries. The I fund is also affected by changes in the value of the U.S. dollar compared to other currencies.
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