pr...shares have to be registered by the TA if bought or sold ....without a cusip number how do shares get registered if bought or sold....
if i bought shares tomorrow and asked for the certs it would never happen....theres no cusip to register them so i would be buying illegal shares ???? - redfisher
The issue is with the DTCC, not currently clearing HRNF trades. i.e. "The Chill".
There are plenty of brokers who are still allowing buying and selling of HRNF shares. One of which is Vanguard. There is nothing illegal about buying or selling HRNF shares while the DTCC chill is in place.
Also, issuing certs have nothing to do with the DTCC. That is unless your broker is not allowing trading or clearing of HRNF shares.
That will all change once the chill is lifted.
Good Luck!
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