arvitar, MM's have the ability to trade at the 5th decimal point. So, they can sell at .0001 and buy (cover) at .00001 for a 10:1 leverage or profit. Check out youtubes of Goldman Sachs and how they brought down Bear Stearns in 7 days with a combination of NSS and options. Check out Lehman Bros or DEER or other companies that were NSS. NSS does exist, there are more companies than that, but the names are alluding me at the moment. We have some good proof and clues to the existence of NSS.
We had little or no clues to the average investor as to the extent and size of the 600 trillion in derivatives and bad debts that put our economy in a great recession in 2008 and beyond.
Atleast, here, with NSS there are some clues out there if you choose to find them. There is no smoking gun for NSS here at FFGO, but there sure are a lot of clues that make a stronger case that there IS NSS going on. That is more chance than you often get sometimes. Recollect derivatives now or the dotcom era, etc. etc.
So, you can start to learn and investigate and ignore and fire back a rebuttal denying that I am right and in which case, I will probably not spend the time debate you.
Good luck