Nutriman24, there is the answer to the questions that have abounded here. How many people are in this trial and are taking oblimersen? This will be key to having results that are good enough to get this to market. Remember, half got oblimersen and half did not. Next, they only are looking at the low normal ldh people. That is the question. How many is that? From what I remember the low-normal group was about 20% of the total. So is that enough of a population for the FDA to approve?
Take the total population, cut in half (half got oblimersen, half did not) then take 20%. How many is that?
The answer?
Is that enough or will the FDA say "Great results, now duplicate them in a larger study"?
And this all assumes the results are positive.
But it is still a good trade going into the data. Buy in the 0.04s and dump at anything above 0.10 for a quick 150% gain.