bono, I think you're taking this the wrong way son. I'm not rubbing any salt in your wounds.
We were all wounded by Dean Bradley. Some of us worked our way out of it, and others didn't.
Now you want to be bailed out because you didn't work your way out.
That's fine with me. I don't take welfare from anybody, but if you choose to, so be it.
The point that I've tried to make to you, is that a fair exchange rate would be something in the order of 1 share of NHSH for each 200 of QASP, based on the retail value of NHSH now. That's it bono, no salt, just fact.
You had the option of selling your shares of QASP at .002 and reinvest that money in CENTA via buying stock in NHSH. The people that sold their shares of QASP and bought into NHSH shouldn't be dilluted just because you want a good deal for your worthless shares of QASP.
I invest in companies that I think will make me money. And everything I say is just my opinion.