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Alias Born 07/13/2008

Re: dragon52 post# 93

Sunday, 05/08/2011 9:52:35 PM

Sunday, May 08, 2011 9:52:35 PM

Post# of 109
I just had to find a place to respond and this post seemed so appropriate. Check out these post on another I Hub board.
These 3 post concern our market and I am sure explain partially the post I am responding to.

This is the post that concerns me about WM.
I think you will find in this post why the judge is doing incomprehensible things.

OT I only made 10 and just barely, I turned in my papers and exited before my enlistment was up after my commander had threatened to court-martial me for marring the most beautiful love goddess in the world. This will make 19 years and 3 of the most wonderful kids in the world. I held a T/S clearance and she is Filipino. Makes a lumpia that is out of this world.

I love Lindy

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