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Alias Born 01/31/2008

Re: tykundegex post# 820

Thursday, 04/21/2011 12:09:19 AM

Thursday, April 21, 2011 12:09:19 AM

Post# of 825
The 8K is an exhausting read; but very interesting.

Just skimming it gives enough facts to allow us to

begin making an informed judgement.

Example: Jan. 1st status:

Assets 65.4 mil Liabilities 28.9 mil Equity 36.4 mil

A/S 480 mil O/S about 400 mil

2010 Sales 59 mil Income 9 mil

2009 Sales 6.5 mil Income 176 k

98% of stock held by 3 people:

Shaoping Lu 20% (81.3 mil sh)

Hulian Song (his wife) 16.7% (68 mil sh)

Cheung Chu Shing 61% (249 mil sh) major shareholder

former DYER shareholders collectively about 2%

We do not have much, but we have a tiger by the tail.

We should see the 2011 first quarter results in about

six weeks. They will give us a better feel for the

rate of progress. I think we have a winner.

Good luck to all and a Happy Easter
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