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Re: kingfisher1 post# 581

Wednesday, 04/06/2011 12:26:47 AM

Wednesday, April 06, 2011 12:26:47 AM

Post# of 28702
re: started buying at .46

That like buying GPGI at (.46/5) about 9 cents per share.

About ten years ago I bought my first GPGI shares at 13 cents each.

Inflation Calculator puts that $0.13 in 1999 as $0.17 today,
or (.17 x 5) as a BORK at $0.85 now.

I'm in the camp that thinks a one dollar BORK will look cheap in one year, and see as possible if the company hype pans out that in three years BORK will be between ten and a hundred dollars.


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