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Re: waitaminute post# 41588

Monday, 04/04/2011 4:00:03 PM

Monday, April 04, 2011 4:00:03 PM

Post# of 43314
Oh, please do! I would never suggest you stop posting here as I very much enjoy your posts on this board. Very much indeed. Especially the ones about Somatic Systems.

BTW, the answer to your question about NY Shop Exchange and why they mentioned being across the street from Packards can be found by examining the maps I provided. It has nothing to do with Somatic Systems. It has to do with the greater visibility of Packards from the corner, since Somatic Systems entrance way and sign is recessed slightly. Makes perfect sense to mention Packards when giving driving directions. No negative reflection on Somatic Systems Institute offices at all. This is just as I suspected and stated earlier. If you have any other questions about why NY Shop Exchange mentioned Packards, you'll have to contact them. Sorry, I don't have a phone number for you, as I'm only interested in Somatic Systems.