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Alias Born 05/30/2004

Re: None

Monday, 04/04/2011 1:26:45 PM

Monday, April 04, 2011 1:26:45 PM

Post# of 43314
Anyone interested can see photos of the Somatic Systems facility at 32 Masonic Street, Northhampton, MA.

Photos of the Somatic System facility and the Somatic System sign in front of the facility here. Click the left arrow icon at the top right of the photo to see another view.

Alternatively a photo can be viewed on Google Maps.

Go to Google Maps at the following address:,-95.677068&sspn=46.630055,87.1875&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=41.890062,12.492549&panoid=07gbqMWIg_HId5m7W94qHg&cbp=12,301.45,,0,-4.23&ll=41.889579,12.49307&spn=0.002692,0.005322&z=18&utm_campaign=en&utm_medium=et&utm_source=en-et-na-us-gns-svn

Type in the above address, and click "search maps".

Zoom the map all the way in using the slide bar on the left.

You will see the name "Somatic Systems" near the center of the map.

Drag the yellow walking man icon from the top of the slide bar on the left, to the street just to the right of the name "Somatic Systems".

An image will appear of the Somatic Systems facility and the Somatic Systems sign in front of the building.