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Re: Sputnik post# 227083

Sunday, 04/03/2011 2:38:53 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2011 2:38:53 PM

Post# of 375420

I never said I visited Craig. I visited Herlong where QASP is headquartered to inspect AA and CAR. Which I did. Jeff posted both were doing well for the economy. He lied. They are disasters. While there I was told Jeff had demolished (renovated) a hanger and was behind on the rent.

What you stated was ...

No. I didn't get to visit with Mr. Owens. I spent to much time at Herlong inspecting the QASP disaster. It appears Jeff demolished one of the hangers and is behind on the rent. My main purpose was to verify as much as possible on QASP and Jeff.

Jeff updated back in November that they were doing well considering the state of the economy at that time. It is now April ...

The rest of this, like everything else is hearsay, insinuation, accusation, lacking proof, evidence, credibility, reliability, believability ...