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Alias Born 09/20/2007

Re: Crafty55 post# 30123

Friday, 04/01/2011 12:44:11 PM

Friday, April 01, 2011 12:44:11 PM

Post# of 61041
I was given an estimate of $500 plus travel to cruise this tract. Now, I am not sure of the legalities regarding such a request by anyone other than the owner, perhaps shareholders could institute such a review/cruise assessment. Rather i think, the most appropriate way to handle this wopuld be to demand that EFLN provide a reputable assessment from a reputable, established and certified person/cruiser.
Why watse time in attacking me? Simply comnsider the advice i have offered and investigate. I strongly urge those who aer not familiar with the way these pink games are played to seriously consider exploring the info i have provided. The EFLN pr regarding this property is a total lie with regard to value. There will be no one to blame for loosing money, based upon that pr, but yourself cause you have been warned. Dog, just do it, make a timber company contact and ask questions.

Like in 'The Real McCoys', Walter Brennan says, "no bragg, just fact"