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Alias Born 08/12/2010

Re: None

Wednesday, 03/30/2011 3:41:40 PM

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 3:41:40 PM

Post# of 75593
Folks lets continue to be cautiuosly optimistic....

Meaning, lets not get to cheerleady like. Is that a word????

The facts are what they are and it is what it is..

We are a pinksheet stock. With that we have dirty laundry like every other pinksheet stock out there, meaning the company isn't perfect. They have over 3 billion o/s and have 5 billion a/s. In my book a super share structure for being in the hottest sector and generating revenues.

We look to find out from 2 additional plots what the projected ounces/revenue of gold is expected to be taken from those plots...

Good share structure, current revenues with growing margins, and additional revenues on the way..

To me that is enough said!!!! Oh ya and we set at .0007 LOL

Me thinks not for long!!!!
