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Alias Born 09/19/2006

Re: TexasInvestor post# 41683

Thursday, 03/17/2011 9:21:44 AM

Thursday, March 17, 2011 9:21:44 AM

Post# of 74548
QSGIQ Conformation hearing approaching Quickly, 3-21-11!! Commons unscaved and remain as Legacy Shares, followed by the Merger with KruseCom to finish the Reorg and Re-branding of QSGI into KruseCom!!

. After the Q comes off than we are going to R/M, into Kruse Control.

2. A cusip chnage!

2a. Move to a higher exchange!

3. Law suit with IBM, that could be worth millions to the share price.

4. Nol's that could be worth millions to the share price.

5. Countless PR's, and Filings.

This info is not to be construed as a solicitation to buy/sellsecurities. Hdogtx reserves the right to either BUY/SELL shares in a company's stock he mention

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