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Alias Born 07/09/2003

Re: loch3 post# 24296

Friday, 04/15/2005 4:08:56 AM

Friday, April 15, 2005 4:08:56 AM

Post# of 82595
OT: Hi Loch: No debate. Somewhere in the back of my mind is a vague recollection of a creation story (no offense implied by the word story) of a few peoples that had the belief that this creation was the second or third time round. This is counter of course to our Judaeo-Christian creation story in the main sense that it implies a supreme being who is fallible.

Many years ago I asked a person I had a great deal of respect for for his thoughts on Creation and all the scientific theory "Darwinism" and carbon dating contradicting Scripture. He didn't go into "Divine Will" and "God made it that way", he simply told me "God has one hell of a sense of humor."

Now I've run into a heck of a lot of hypocrits in my time, and quite a few where politicians and clergy of All casts. Some of the other vile specimens I've had the misfortune to deal with always seemed to find "true faith" right after they got caught. It's sort of soured me on organized religions and I've lost much respect for quite a few of my fellow man. Over the years I've always held true to doing what I felt was moral and right, and I find it allows me to sleep at night and not get a crick in my neck from looking over my shoulder. It tends to make me wary of just about everybody until I get to know them. We've all seen or heard enough examples of late about criminal, gross or inhuman behavior by our brothers on this earth over money race and even being from an inferior tribe.

So basically I'm a believer in a God, who I will allow must get a lot of laughs watching us mortals plow through the obstacles we create for each other. I figure if He thinks I did things right I'll be rewarded, (I know he's laughed a lot at me!) and if I messed up in His eyes, (not too badly) I hope He'll give me another chance to get it right after a little pennance. I figure I stand a chance somewhere between that rich guy and a real real real skinny camel. Meanwhile I treat people in this life the way I would like to be treated by them. Until they prove they are not worthy of respect.

Most of the hundreds of religions of the world are a mystery to me, but fortunately we still live in a country where we can choose to worship as we please. (Well excluding the Druids and the Mayans who had human sacrifice and the Indians who did above ground burials etc,). I always figured life would be easier for all of us if everyone lived up to the moral codes of thier religion, but I get worried when people start interpreting and embellishing on the ten commandments. Those are quite well written and easy to follow. Take "Thou shall not kill" Now go and burn a heretic! I never saw the original tablets and wouldn't be able to read Aramaic or Hebrew, but we sure have added a lot of subclauses to that one! Now I admit that if Fred comes at me with a stone axe and I have a stone axe handy, well Fred is in trouble. But I wouldn't be in the position of having to kill Fred if he followed that commandment. Okay overly simplified, but the concept is human addendums shouldn't be made to modify or change something we realize in our kharma or soul without seeing a written Commandment.

Gosh I'm long winded tonight. We can chew the fat a little further over any beverage of choice when we meet at a stockholder meeting or dinner and such.
