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Re: None

Tuesday, 03/01/2011 6:57:05 PM

Tuesday, March 01, 2011 6:57:05 PM

Post# of 142805
The Facts I provided were verifiable why "Bash"?

Warning the following is a long post and the parts in red are something you should focus on if you don't have time to read the entire post

If you read any of my posts carefully, I gave you a way to verify the facts I provided. I believe that the bashers for my previous post were trying to keep investors from selling so they are able to unload themselves at a reasonable price.

So heres a # of ways you can verify everything I said
Note the grey is what I said. The red is proof

- I dumped the majority of my shares in LKEN. I held a total of 4.8 million shares (Not sure why someone claimed I had 8+ million?) and this morning I was able to dump 3.8 million. Kept 1 million just to stay on the "Safe side"
Have you bothered looking at the screenshot of my account I provided? I don't see any other poster who has stood by what they have said they did by providing a screenshot from their broker. Here's what I posted:

- The reason I was dumping was because a huge sell off was imminent which happened and drove the price of the stock down to $0.0015 a drop of 32%. How did I know that the drop was imminent?
Unverifiable: I received information from an employee late last night (I was out of posts so didn't post at that time) when I asked "When will I be able to purchase this at Rite Aid locations", Response: "I don't think you will be able to, now don't take my word for this but I believe that the deal was off the table". This person I was speaking to was not the customer support person, but infact someone who works in the "Marketing Department" I don't wish to reveal his name in the public so if you'd like you can pm me you're email and I can tell you.

Verifiable: This morning I called the Rite Aid corporate number directly, and spoke to Paul Pazaro - at 717 214 8527 <-- his direct number. What I stated were his words of how he told me that no such deal exists between the two companies, and in fact never has existed. He said the press release that was out was "Prematurely Released" meaning that the company released it before any kind of deal was signed which is why it was pulled off. It seems that the company was trigger happy. There never is, and never will be a deal between the two companies is what I was told by the above person Paul Pazaro.

For all those screaming "I'm lying about being in a loss"
Take a look at my post history, and see when I first entered LKEN, it was at $0.0025, bought more at $0.0125, bought more at $0.015, bought more on its way down at $0.0125, bought more at $0.0099, bought more at $0.0075, bought more at $0.0055, bought more at $0.005, bought more at $0.004, bought some more at $0.0035, and now I have just sold all of that at $0.0021 (All except 1 million).

Once everyone realizes that what I said is indeed correct, the real sell off will begin, and POSSIBLY (not saying it will, but possibly) bring this stock back to the 000's where I will again make my entry with 1/4th of the money I had invested before, again.

For everyone saying how I was talking good things about it till my last post yesterday, and then suddenly go bad? Isn't that something that should actually prove that the information I'm providing must come with some legitimacy? The reason for that was I was happy about what I was being told from the IR yesterday, but now that today I was told that the deal between the two companies was a lie, I had to sell. BTW if anyone had bothered to check my post earlier titled "Controversial Rite Aid Deal" when this stock was at $0.0024 I made that post saying that if the Rite Aid deal doesn't go through, then the stock will fall $0.0086. Is that not how much it fell? Are you still saying I'm spitting out numbers from my a**?

Again, I would really like to say that people saying that "Rite Aid deal not going through doesn't matter, or Thanks for the cheap shares" are just driving you closer to the slaughter, everyone has been saying the exact same things ever since it started falling from it's highs of $0.018. I'm not telling you to believe me either, I'm telling you to do you're DD. The only thing you should use off this board are things like Phone numbers of how to reach someone so you can gather the same information.

Now the obvious question people will be asking me: "You sold off why are you still here". I still own 1 million shares which is more than what some people on this board had to begin with even after duming the majority of my shares today. Now its obvious that as long as you talk good things on this board, everyone loves you, but the moment you are the bearer of bad news, "LET THE BASHING BEGIN" Right? Well how about this, I will keep my future DD to my self and whenever I get "insider news" like earlier this morning then I will save myself and let everyone do what they please without my info, please let me know if that is what you wish because honestly if this is the kind of respect you're given when you try helping someone in our world, I think I'm better off not helping.

To all those who claimed I work for Greene Concepts? What in the world gave you that idea? I live in Canada to begin with, the company is california based. Feel free to look me up on Facebook if you'd like I'm the one with the profile pic of an "IHOP board" in the middle.

Oh and here's the icing on the cake: I just contacted Greene Concepts and spoke to Betsy and complained about how the IR and the company had been lying to us and how I figured this out by calling Rite Aid. She had this to say:
"You guys on investorshub over there are a bunch of morons with no sense of investing, all you are doing is causing trouble for us and yourself. I will not comment on the Rite Aid deal, and will not accept or deny that the information of the PR's released were legitimate or not."

Well this is my last post, like our friend who got bashed enough to only view this board and occasionally make a post here and there, I will continue to do the same unless I feel I have to intervene and post something.

Thanks, and whether you believe any of what I said or not, Good Luck with all your investments