what everyone here needs to realize is that EVCA is going to become a superstore for used hybrids before it sells a lot of EV.
This was told directly to us via email from the COO Scott O Neal about 2 weeks ago.
According to EVCA, they plan to sell about 125 hybrids/quarter and 15 EV/quarter once they roll out their dealerships, which stands at 4 within 12 months.
On Carmax.com's website the average used hybrid is selling for 17K. That alone is ove $2M/quarter in sales, add EV, also now add what CNG they sell to cities/states per quarter.
IMO they are looking at a run rate of $3M/quarter rev in the foreseeable furture, or $12M/year. Figure 10% net profit, that's $1.2M, use PE 20 or more for high growth as they roll out up to 13 dealerships, ad you are looking at $30M net worth looking forward here.
I've come up with $30M many different times and ways with EVCA.