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Alias Born 08/28/2000

Re: None

Tuesday, 03/01/2011 11:22:04 AM

Tuesday, March 01, 2011 11:22:04 AM

Post# of 8007

Ultimate Tendon Support, Real Advantage Nutrients, (888)856-1491; Ultimate Tendon Support normally costs $49.95, but HSI members are entitled to a special 20% discount. Simply use code G655M302 when you order.
hCG Drops, Tango Advanced Nutrition, (866) 778-2646; One bottle of hCG Drops (a 40-day supply) costs $49.95.
Earthing Products, Uni Key Health Systems, 800-888-4353; A full set of Body Bands costs $39.95; the Universal Mat costs $59.95; and the Bed Pad costs from $149.00 to $169.00, depending on the size. HSI members will get free shipping when they mention HSI.


Ultimate Tendon Support
1 Shakibaei, M., et al., In Vitro Study on Tendinopathies in Humans (unpublished study), 2010.
2 Nadal, F., et al., Study to assess the effect of TENDOACTIVE® on the treatment of tendinopathies (unpublished study), 2010
3 Omeroglu, S., et al. High-dose vitamin C supplementation accelerates the Achilles tendon healing in healthy rats. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 129(2):281-6; 2009.

hCG Drops
1 Cavaliere, H., et al. The anorectic effect of increasing doses of L-tryptophan in obese patients. Eat Weight Disord. 2(4):211-215, 1997.
2 Rosedale, R. Insulin and its metabolic effects. Presented at: Designs for Health Institute BoulderFest August 1999 Seminar.
3 Low, S., et al. Responses of glutamine transport in cultured rat skeletal muscle to osmotically induced changes in cell volume. Journal of Physiology. 492(3):877-885, 1996.
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