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Re: deadeyeca post# 48606

Friday, 02/11/2011 1:17:18 PM

Friday, February 11, 2011 1:17:18 PM

Post# of 173241
You're asking me why I have my notion that the end of this month will give LBSR a turn around. Well, I have done some research on drilling in Alaska and found two projects that will be drilling starting on the 28th of February. I am figuring that NAK will need to get started on LBSR claims in a hurry with shallow drilling since other partners are being sought for the projects, Big Chunk and Bonanza Hills. The faster NAK uncovers possible reserves, the bigger the partner(s) will be. NAK's strategy should not be any different than the time Pebble was first realized and drilled. Here is my point: I am expecting some news by the end of the month that drilling will begin. A report like that will turn LBSR around. I could be wrong, however, I think I am right.

All said, NAK must earn the right to own 60% by spending 10 million dollars on drilling. Unless the money is spent, Briscoe can go elsewhere for a partner the way he is doing now. And now that Mr. Theissen knows what is there, the race is on. I also conclude that Mr. Theissen will aid new partners in the LBSR projects for many reasons, one; the Big chunk Super Project is much too large for NAK to handle alone, two; Mr. Theissen has been turning large investors away, who wanted a piece of Pebble. As such, Mr. theissen has people lined up as partners, three; unless drilling begins early, 3rd party investors standing in line for a piece of the Big chunk Super Project and Bonanza Hills will only be lowballing their offers. With drilling finds, accepted offers will go up, four; until Mr. Theisen actually owns the 60% as stated in NR-95, he has no power to sign in his own partners. Below are some posts that will bring you up to date on some of this.|investors|away|investors|away
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