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Alias Born 02/03/2011

Re: CEMJQ Multi-Millionaire post# 212267

Sunday, 02/06/2011 10:39:43 AM

Sunday, February 06, 2011 10:39:43 AM

Post# of 375420
To be honest I appreciate all that Jeff has done. Really!! But He is still so tight lipped and keeps so many secrets. Like tell us where the money went. I mean really. He must have some records. We can handle the truth. And I would like to know something about the financials in Centaflix. I mean only in Pinky land do you see this bs. When you see these kind of secrets it's usually not a good sign in the long run. Yeah you most likely will see a rally in the short run. Just like QASP Did. Just like EQUR did before that. I was there for both. I would rather not be around for the next please.